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Stop Asking for Money! Do This Instead!
A few weeks ago, my nephew thought it would be funny to pick up a garter snake and chase me around the yard threatening to throw it at...

Do Businesses Care About Your Nonprofit?
You love your nonprofit. Like, a lot. But businesses don’t. At all. Or at least it feels that way, right? Attracting the eyes and ears of...

Change Starts Here. Together.
Growing a small nonprofit is hard. Growing a small business is hard. Turns out, the frameworks for process, clarity of messaging,...

Top 3 Ways to Avoid Work at Your Nonprofit
It’s the summer, and who on earth wants or needs to do nonprofit work?! Here in North Dakota, we have approximately 3.2 weeks of perfect...

How to Retain Your Nonprofit Employees During a Recession
If you think the Great Resignation was bad, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. If you’re at all familiar with our vibe here at Do Good Better,...

Nonprofits are in big trouble. Or are they?
Nonprofits are in big trouble. At least according to the most recent poll conducted by the research firm Campbell Rinker and sponsored by...

The Best (and WORST) Fundraising Events for Your Nonprofit
As someone who has spent nearly 20 years curating and running fundraising events, I still wake up every now-and-then in a cold sweat...

Would you say your nonprofit is trustworthy?
I sure hope I hear a chorus of “YES” through the interwebs! Your reputation as an organization is one of the more critical components to...

New High Capacity Donor Data for Your Nonprofit
It’s been awhile since we’ve gotten to talk nerdy about all things fundraising – but with the amount of kids throwing high school...

Top 5 Things I’ve Learned Hosting 200 Podcasts with Nonprofit Leaders
We celebrate our 200th Podcast Episode today! Here are the Top 5 Things I've Learned from interviewing amazing nonprofit leaders!
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