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Get Yourself a Morris Buttermaker
I’m sure you can tell by any photo you’ve seen of me, that clearly, I’m a finely tuned athlete. If you needed additional evidence, look...

Find Your Fundraising Tribe
This week has been awesome, after what has been a pretty brutal stretch of bad news, uncertainty, and general worry. For those that don’t...

How to Fundraise During World War III
For anyone paying attention to any sort of news this morning, you probably woke up to reading about, and watching with horror, war break...

Fashionable Donor Trends in 2022
Are you up to date on all the donor trends of 2022? Well, you're in luck! Because you sure will be...after reading this blog!

One Fundraising Event Does Not Mean Success OR Failure
Fundraising is hard enough without the added pressure of a singular event being a make-or-break moment in your nonprofit’s budgetary...

Hey Economy! Stop Being Such a Jerk!
For all of you who follow Do Good Better Consulting, you were clearly waiting for our hot takes on current economic signals right? Well...

Other Nonprofits Are Better Than You
This week, I’ve had a LOT of conversations with nonprofit leaders about how they feel behind, overly stressed and have already lost their...

The Business of Doing Good
The Fargo/Moorhead community has always stepped up when needs arise. From filling sandbags to protect local neighborhoods during flood...

Uh Oh. Your Fundraising Staff Are Going to Quit.
Hold on to your butts nonprofits – because the “Great Resignation” of 2021 seems to be just the tip of the iceberg, and I don’t think our...

Revenge of the Data Nerds!
For all you data geeks out there – we have a first peek at what the third quarter of giving looked like, and it is a mixed bag of good,...
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