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Congrats! You Survived 2023! Now What?
If you have school aged children, you’ve probably been dragged to a book fair after conferences to look at all the super cool and...

End of Year Fundraising…is it Time to Panic Yet?
Every year around this time, I usually hop on the phone to call clients, colleagues, and nonprofit leaders to give them horrible news:...

Hey Fundraisers! Time to Press Start!
Today is the last day of school for my kiddos. Was I the parent that got up early to make homemade cinnamon rolls to send them off to the...

Does Your Board Suck at Fundraising?
You just left your board meeting, and now you're riddled with anxiety or have already muttered to yourself “I can’t do this anymore.” How...

Top 5 Traits of a Kick A** Fundraiser
Last week was a marathon of board trainings, fundraising strategy sessions and a boatload of individual nonprofit therapy sessions that...

The #1 Thing to Remember About Fundraising Events
Whether you are a brand new start up nonprofit, or a large organization that has been around the block a time or two – hosting special...

Everything sucks right now. And that's ok.
Welp. The world is on fire and we're still having teams meetings. Seems like that shouldn’t be a thing, and yet, here we are. But when...

The 5 Nonprofit Leaders You Should Follow Immediately
When you have spent as much time as I have in the nonprofit space, you bump into people who light your passion back on fire when you get...

4 Fundraising Event Best Practices for 2023
This past weekend I was honored to host out regional American Advertising Awards, and as the emcee introducing and presenting damn near...

5 Unique Ways Your Nonprofit Can Show Impact
Mission statements are boring. And more of them are really only useful to boards in order to help them stay focused on how to guide...

3 Creative and Fun Ways to Get Your Board on Board!
If I had a nickel for every time I heard “Good God, I wish my board would help us fundraise” over the past week or so, I’d have a...

What Could Your Nonprofit Do With $7 million?
Happy “Can You Imagine What Our Nonprofit Could Do With the Money Spent on One Super Bowl Ad?” Watercooler Conversation Day! Since I’m a...

Why the Hell Do We Have to Fundraise?
A few months ago, I was asked to emcee a music event that involved me introducing bands, being the hype guy for one of the coolest...

Unconventional Fundraising & Partnerships for Your Nonprofit
Years ago, I found myself sitting around a giant speaker waiting for a conference call to start, and getting ready to hear a big...

5 Steps to Getting a 100% Donor Retention Rate for Your Nonprofit
Have you dared look at your final end of year numbers yet? Did you look at them through your hands with only one eyeball peaking out like...
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